

A golden place of organic groceries which will reach to your door steps within no time. Search, buy and consume with all services like personal contact, online payments and feedback. We divided the farmers and consumers(as buyers) sections in order to maintain consistency.


Us ?

Everyone know farming takes a lot of hardwork but still farmers in our country live in misery. Also, lifestyles of people changing where they consume in appropiate food and they themselves get into danger through various health issues. So, we took this initiative to show our gratitude towards farmers and also inform each individual that we together can achieve great things. Here, we have details of farmers and their yields based upon the area, so an individual can check their daily groceries and order them by consulting directly to that farmer and can consume the organic food, also they play a major role in helping the farmer for their better growth.


A person who supports the farmers and also spread the awareness of organic products.A person who supports the farmers and also spread the awareness of organic products.A person who supports the farmers and also spread the awareness of organic products.


A selfless person who sacrifies many things and gives a lot to others.A selfless person who sacrifies many things and gives a lot to others.A selfless person who sacrifies many things and gives a lot to others.


We move towards digitalization, so most people opt for instant and easy services of goods through online, so here we present a medium for both farmers and common people to grow in fields like health, economy which will lead to a better future.


Provide the farmers what they really deserves
Save mother earth and the precious water
Lead the world to digitalise mode


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis voluptatum minima dignissimos, incidunt asperiores eveniet voluptas enim explicabo, ipsum pariatur quas officiis, reprehenderit sapiente? Doloribus placeat vitae eaque nobis officiis.


Hey, we all love plants and we love to grow our own plants Right? But do your plants die soon because of either od dryness or lots of water? Yeah it is Sad but it happens a lot beacuse of lack of knowledge of which plant requires how much water, but nNOT anymore Our ECO-BOT will help you figure it out in a very simple way. Do try it once.



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